Company Name: JALA GROUP CO.
Booth Number: 11.2/A29
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Product Description:
自然堂雪域精粹系列,天然成分源自喜马拉雅纯净高寒雪域: 取自喜马拉雅山北麓5128米天然冰川水,富含多种对肌肤有益的矿物成分,营养并活力肌肤,同时注入源源不断的水润呵护。 撷取喜马拉雅高原冰天雪地中生长的珍稀植物——雪参、雪莲、雪绒花珍萃,运用雪域高原植物与生俱来的自我防护机制,融汇多种活性精华,能有效减少因各种身心压力及外界环境侵害产生的自由基对肌肤的伤害,净化肌肤,提升肌肤健康活力,改善肌肤“亚健康”状态。唤醒肌肤初生般的纯净润泽,如朝露般细嫩鲜活,更柔滑健康,神采飞扬。
美素璀璨光润焕白系列,运用突破性的PEONIA牡丹基因科技,从源头为肌肤注入牡丹皙白能量, 层层焕白。 竹,凌霜傲雨,四季青翠,雅格丽白汲取竹之灵感,凝炼新鲜毛金竹的天然竹沥精华,是大自然中天然的抗氧化物具有清除自由基清除浊质,净化肌肤肌肤深透补水,清净水润! 全新医婷深海水精华保湿系列,选用纯净无污染的深海水,富含20余种矿物质和微量元素,可迅速渗透至肌肤,有效加强肌肤水合能力,长时间保持水分不流失。就像把肌肤养在深海里,一天水水的、润润的。
Company Description:
CHCEDO HIMALAYAN PURITY series contains natural ingredients taken from the clean and cold alpine snow area of Himalayas: Taken from 5,128 meter-high northern peaks of Himalayas, the natural glacier water added into this collection is rich in mineral elements, nurturing, vitalizing, and moisturizing the skin all at the same time. Extracted from snow ginseng,snow lotus and edelweiss, all of which are rare plants growing in the snow area of Himalayan plateau, the various active plant essences can employ the self-protection mechanism inherent in these rare plants to nourish and protect the skin, help resist free radical attacks caused by various stresses and environments, deeply purify the skin, enhance the immunity of skin cells and improving the “sub-health” skin. Recalling pure and fresh skin like new-born. Make your skin as tender and fresh as the morning dew, and become more sleek, healthy and animated. MAYSU Glowhite Collection,using breakthrough PAEONIA genetic technology, injecting skin from the source with peony whitening energizer.